This song is definitely talks about someone that wants to end his life. When I was a teenager, one of my best friends was trying to commit suicide. She swallowed a pack of pain killers. We all knew that she didn’t mean to harm herself and it was just a call for help. Eventually she was fine and nothing happened. She had a few issues though, smoked weed and other shit and she was drinking heavily; she also used to lie a lot about everything. We were very upset about it. Even though we felt so close to her, we didn’t know anything about her because she never told the truth and she always tried to hide things from us. A few years later when we were no longer friends with her we discovered that all these years she was living with an abusive dad. The entire family was affected by it. 5 years ago her younger sister committed suicide. It was quite a tragedy. I always felt so close to this girl and at the same time I knew nothing about her, it took me a few years to realize that everything that I thought I knew about her was completely false. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to live with abusive parents. If only she would have shared this information with her friends then we would have been able to help her. I’ve also felt really betrayed because I was very close to her and shared everything with her and all I got in return is a bunch of lies. Nothing in our friendship seemed real afterwards. It is quite scary. Today she is married for the second time and expecting her fourth child. I hope she is happy because I know deep inside she is a good person and she deserved a good life after what she’s been through. I forgave her a long time ago. Check out this amazing song about pretty depressing subject…
Link to the song: Never Too Late Three Days Grace
Lyrics: Never Too Late Lyrics
What’s this song about?
This song's meaning was explained by Three Days Grace frontman, Adam Gontier, at a live performance on March 7, 2007 at the 9:30 Club in Washington, D.C., where he stated, "this song is about being in a very dark place, but being able to see a way out." Then, at the Palace, in Detroit, Michigan, he explained it as, "feeling like you don't belong here, and wanting to give up, but never giving up." (Wikipedia – Never too late)
Band’s Official Website: Three Days Grace
Info about the band: Wikipedia - Three Days Grace

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